Effective Home Remedies for Tooth Infection: Alleviating Pain and Swelling Naturally (2024)

Tooth infections can bring about severe pain and discomfort, often accompanied by swelling. While seeking professional dental treatment is crucial, there are several home remedies that can provide temporary relief from the symptoms associated with an abscessed tooth. In this blog post, we’ll explore 10 Effective Home Remedies for Tooth Infection.

Table of Contents:

  1. Saltwater Rinse
  2. Baking Soda Paste
  3. Oregano Essential Oil
  4. Cold Compress
  5. Fenugreek Tea
  6. Clove Essential Oil
  7. Thyme Essential Oil
  8. Hydrogen Peroxide Rinse
  9. Oil Pulling with Coconut Oil
  10. Garlic Application
  11. Aloe Vera Gel

10 Effective Home Remedies for Tooth Infection

Effective Home Remedies for Tooth Infection

Saltwater Rinse

A saltwater rinse is a simple yet effective home remedy for alleviating tooth infection symptoms. It helps reduce swelling and kill bacteria in the affected area. To perform a saltwater rinse, mix 1/2 teaspoon of table salt with 1/2 cup of warm tap water. Gargle and swish the solution around your mouth for at least two minutes, focusing on the affected area. Repeat this rinse two to three times a day.

Baking Soda Paste

Create a paste with baking soda and water, applying it to the affected tooth for temporary relief from pain and inflammation. Mix 1/2 tablespoon of baking soda with a dash of table salt and 1/2 cup of water. Swish the paste around your mouth after brushing your teeth. This remedy, while helpful, does not substitute professional dental treatment.

Oregano Essential Oil

Dilute oregano essential oil with a carrier oil and apply it to the affected area for its antibacterial properties. Mix a few drops of oregano oil with olive or coconut oil and apply it using a cotton ball. Rinse your mouth thoroughly after 10 minutes. Incorporate oregano oil cautiously into your oral health routine, ensuring proper dilution.

Cold Compress

Apply a cold compress or icy cold water on the outside of your cheek for 15 minutes to numb the area and reduce swelling. This method provides temporary relief but doesn’t replace professional dental treatment. Use a dry towel to avoid direct contact with ice.

Fenugreek Tea

Brew fenugreek tea, let it cool, and use it as a mouthwash to soothe pain and reduce inflammation. Fenugreek tea offers antibacterial and anti-inflammatory benefits. While it can provide relief, it is not a substitute for professional dental care.

Clove Essential Oil

Dilute clove essential oil with a carrier oil and apply it to the affected tooth for its natural analgesic and antibacterial properties. Clove oil is a popular remedy but should be used cautiously. Dilute 2-3 drops of clove oil per teaspoon of carrier oil.

Thyme Essential Oil

Dilute thyme essential oil with a carrier oil and apply it to the affected area for its antimicrobial properties. Thyme oil can help reduce pain and inflammation. Use it up to three times a day, but consult a dentist for persistent symptoms.

Hydrogen Peroxide Rinse

Rinse your mouth with a diluted hydrogen peroxide solution (3%) to cleanse the area and promote healing. Swish the solution around your mouth, focusing on the affected area. Hydrogen peroxide helps reduce plaque and bacteria but is not a replacement for professional dental treatment.

Oil Pulling with Coconut Oil

Swish a tablespoon of coconut oil around your mouth for 15 minutes to remove bacteria and reduce inflammation. Oil pulling is an ancient practice for oral health. Combine it with regular brushing and flossing, but remember, it doesn’t replace professional dental treatment.

Garlic Application

Cut a fresh garlic clove in half and place it directly on the affected tooth. Garlic has natural antibiotic properties that can help fight infection. Apply the garlic multiple times a day, but consult a dentist for persistent pain or severe infections.

Aloe Vera Gel

Extract fresh aloe vera gel and apply it to the infected area for its antibacterial properties. Aloe vera gel can provide relief from infection and reduce inflammation. Apply the gel several times a day, but consult a dentist for persistent symptoms.

When to Call a Dentist

Knowing when to seek professional dental care is crucial. While these remedies offer temporary relief, persistent pain, swelling, changes in oral health, and other symptoms require immediate attention. Ignoring a tooth infection can lead to serious health consequences.

How a Dentist Will Treat a Tooth Infection?

A dentist will assess the severity of the infection and choose an appropriate treatment. Options include abscess removal, antibiotics, or a root canal. Ignoring a tooth infection can lead to complications, emphasizing the importance of professional dental care.

What Causes a Tooth Infection?

Poor oral hygiene, previous dental work or injury, sugary foods, gum disease, and a weakened immune system contribute to tooth infections. Adopting good oral hygiene practices, a healthy diet, and regular dental check-ups can minimize the risk.

Symptoms of a Tooth Infection

A throbbing toothache, sensitivity to temperature, facial swelling, fever, sensitivity to pressure, swollen lymph nodes, a salty fluid taste, and difficulty breathing or swallowing are common symptoms. Seeking professional dental care promptly is crucial.

FAQ: (Effective Home Remedies for Tooth Infection)

How do you get rid of a tooth infection at home?

Maintain good oral hygiene, consume foods rich in vitamin D and calcium, use essential oils cautiously, apply cold compresses, and follow other home remedies mentioned in this blog. However, professional dental care is essential for severe infections.

What naturally kills a tooth infection?

Certain essential oils like clove, oregano, and thyme have antibacterial properties. Consuming garlic, using aloe vera gel, and maintaining oral hygiene with oil pulling can also help. However, these remedies offer temporary relief and don’t replace professional dental care.

How do you treat a tooth infection without antibiotics?

Maintain good oral hygiene, consume a nutrient-rich diet, use essential oils, apply cold compresses, and practice oil pulling. However, antibiotics may be necessary for severe infections, and consulting a dentist is crucial.


While home remedies can provide temporary relief from tooth infection symptoms, they are not substitutes for professional dental care. If you experience persistent pain, swelling, or other symptoms, consult a dentist promptly. Adopting good oral hygiene practices and seeking regular dental check-ups can prevent tooth infections and promote overall oral health.

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